The Light Returns

Our beautiful community took a wretched hit recently. It’s totally normal to move from a place of fear and anxiety in the wake of these tragic events. But despite the veil of dread everything has been colored with, the coming together, the openhearted camaraderie, and unadulterated love I witnessed from every soul I have interacted with has been beautiful.
No pretense. No shame.
Just love.
And that’s how we will carry on. 

And we have.

This weekend I let some light back into my life and it was just what I needed.

Saturday morning I laced up my sneakers to participate in the 19th Annual Safewalk-Run 5K benefiting Women In Distress. I was honored to again lead my team (Red Hot Survivors) through an fruitful fundraising season. As of this moment I have raised $1161.00 toward the event, and they are accepting donations until March 11, I have been told.

Roughly half of our team; we're the early risers of Red Hot Survivors!

Roughly half of our team; we're the early risers of Red Hot Survivors!


Sunday I became certified in Reiki Level One. Together we raised a lot of energy as we practiced on one another. There were laughter and tears, friendship and love, and so much light. You may not believe in the healing power of Reiki, but there is no denying the healing power of love and laughter. If you have any interest in Reiki, contact Tamara Ronkin, I cannot say enough nice things about her.

This is what eight new lightworkers look like!

This is what eight new lightworkers look like!

This is what eight new lightworkers and their OMazing teacher look like in a selfie!

This is what eight new lightworkers and their OMazing teacher look like in a selfie!

And last awesome piece of news, guess who has been invited to the Nancy J. Cotterman Center for Sexual Assault Awareness Month to teach?
Check it out here.

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Happiness is Contagious