To move from a place of love and compassion for all, it's time to let go of past grievances and forgive.
Read moreGrateful Heart
Say aloud, Today I am grateful for _____.
Read moreMy Jumbled Mind
I wanted to talk to you about my workshops...
And then I wanted to talk about my fears for my upcoming surgery...
But then I wanted to tell you about my vacation...
And I also kinda wanted to announce my Karma Yoga project...
True Belonging
“True belonging doesn’t require us to change who we are. It requires us to be who we are.”
Read moreBreathe It All Away
Inhale the good shit, exhale the bull shit.
We've all seen the cute memes and heard the adorable sayings...but is our breath really that powerful?
Read moreThe best thing about you....
Most of us don't ever realize how amazing we are, and we have to be here is my reminder for you:
Commitment and Satya
A commitment should be more than words.
Satya means living in truth, through speech, thoughts and actions.
When we truly live that truth, we regard others and the commitments we have made to them.
Slow Down!
Yeah you...seriously, slow down.
What's the rush?
Yoga for every body: even the tired and achy ones
I did something crazy this week, something I never ever do: I went to Disney and spent three days park hopping.
Read moreTolerance: it's a practice
We are here to see one another through, it's something I believe with ALL my heart and tell people often. And despite differences, we have so much to offer one another.
Read morefacing my own fears....
Let me start by telling you this: this post is very different from the one I sat down to write.
Read moreFace Your Fears!
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
Take A Breath
Take a breath.
This week...
This week marks another epic milestone in the America's private war.
Read moreAnother year older...
"Women over forty can't do that."
"You're too old to wear that."
"Act your age."
To Begin Again...
No one is perfect.
No one should want to be.
Trust the Universe
I am off balance - physically and spiritually, my body aches all the time, and I feel terrible about it.
Read moreOpen up to new energy...
As you change, what works for you may change, too.
Read moreHurricane Irma
I have nothing this week except some advice:
Stuff can be replaced, you cannot.
Vibe Your Tribe
Family isn't always forged in blood, many times family is chosen.
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